I take great pride in providing the highest customer service to all of my members, web surfers, and fans. Please know that I want your experience in Ashlee Land to be memorable. You'll find some answers to frequently asked questions on this page. If you need technical support not answered by the FAQs below, please use my Contact Form and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you, Ashlee
- What are the requirements to use your site?
- This site requires the following: This site works best on modern browsers such as IE 9+, FireFox 9+, Safari 5+, and Chrome 14+ with a screen size at least 960px wide. The minimal requirements for use include: * Cookies enabled * Javascript enabled * Adobe Flash 9+ * A modern browser, including: * Internet Explorer 7+ * Firefox 5+, * Safari 4+, * Chrome 11+
- Why don't you support Internet Explorer 6?
- Internet Explorer was introduced over 10 years ago and is slowly fading from the Internet. Microsoft, itself, has ceased to support it. In addition, IE6 has a plethora of security issues and does not meet the standards of the modern web. For more information, please see [Microsoft's own countdown page about IE 6]( and find out why the world is moving away from IE6 .
- I get logged out automatically sometimes, why?
- This site only allows one sign in per user. So, if you've provided your password to someone else and they sign in at the same that you are signed in, you will cancel each other's sessions out. So, please make sure that you only use your username/password for yourself.
- I can't log in and get a message that says I'm blocked. How can I get unblocked?
- Our system automatically checks your IP address, username, country of origin, and other factors to protect our servers and members. So, if you've logged in from too many different locations within a short span of time or have entered an incorrect username and password too many times, the server will block you for a period of time. You can either wait for that block period to end, or [send a message on our contact page](/contact).